:     Generated initial class for 'Phonecode' and then modified as needed.
class Phonecode:  Print word combinations for a list of phone numbers.

import Gilda.Foundation,        &Standard library declarations
       Program.Argument,        &Argument processing
       Heap(string, 64),        &Alternate encodings (64 byte increments)
       Map(Heap..string, 8192)  :Ordered key mapping (8192 byte blocks)

global Short   word             :Length of the shortest code word.

gilda    Root.Phonecode  START       :Scan the arguments.  Main entry point
gilda    Help.Phonecode              :Display arguments
gilda    Phonecode                   :Primary program method

gilda    Load.Dictionary             :Read the dictionary file.
gilda    Encode.Phone                :Print encoded phone numbers.
gilda    Partial                     :Iterate over partial number matches.
