:     Generated method to invoke 'Phonecode'; no changes should be needed.
method ROOT.PHONECODE:  Print word combinations for a list of phone numbers.

 entry Argc          word,        &Number of command parameters.
       Argv[0]       C.String,    &Address of the command line text.
       Envp[0]       C.String     :Address of the environment (not used).

 local Method        Signature,   &Method description.
       List[1 to 2]  Declaration, &Parameter list description.
       Call[1 to 2]  string,      &Callers argument list.

       Base          Type,        &
       Code#         Path,        &Path of a code word dictionary file.
       Phone#        Path         :Path of a phone number file.

   use Program.Argument*,         &Signature type encodings.
       Type*                      :Primitive type encodings.

IF Argc = 1

   SIGNATURE  Method, "PHONECODE", List, 0, &
              "Print word combinations for a list of phone numbers."

   Base`Type = @Path.Type
   PARAMETER  Method, "CODE", .Entry, Base, '', &
              "Path of a code word dictionary file."

   Base`Type = @Path.Type
   PARAMETER  Method, "PHONE", .Entry, Base, '', &
              "Path of a phone number file."

   ARGUMENT.POSITIONAL  Argc, Argv,    &Scan arguments into a positional array.
                       Method, Call

   IF Call[ 1 ] = "":                   IF
      PRINT  "The Code parameter requires an argument."

   ELSE IF Call[ 2 ] = "":              ELSE IF
      PRINT  "The Phone parameter requires an argument."

   ELSE:                                ELSE
      Code#`Value = Call[ 1 ]

      Phone#`Value = Call[ 2 ]

      PHONECODE                           &Invoke the program entry point.
           Code#,                         &Path of a code word dictionary file.
           Phone#                         :Path of a phone number file.
.  .
